April 4 1910 (Julian calendar)

Moscow, Russia
Assembly of the Nobility, Pillar Hall
Symphony no. 2 in E minor, op. 27
Concerto no. 3 in D minor, op. 30
Isle of the Dead, op. 29

Moscow Philharmonic Society Orchestra. Eugene Plotnikoff, conductor. 

Rachmaninoff's role
Concerto Soloist and Conductor
Satina notes that the program was different to that which was announced, and that Rachmaninoff’s Spring Cantata and The Rock were not heard. Instead, this was the first performance of Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto in Moscow. Satina also indicates that Rachmaninoff conducted in this concert, and it might be presumed that Plotnikoff conducted only in the concerto. LoC, Sergei Rachmaninoff Archive, ML31.R33, Papers of Sophie Satin, boxes 82-89.